South Africa Number 1 Plastic Enclosure Manufacturer and Supplier
More Than 240 enclosure on our price list
About Us
We are one of the Largest Stockists in South Africa of Plastic Enclosures and Boxes for the Electronics and Electrical Industry. We have in our range a selection of our own South African moulded enclosures, as well as some brand names from South Africa, Europe and Taiwan. We have more than 240 enclosures on our price list.
We currently supply a large number of businesses throughout South Africa, and, have access to a tool room, which we treat as a separate division, with a CNC milling machine, etc… If we can’t supply the enclosure from our existing range, please contact us, and we can quote you on a new mould. In certain circumstances we would be prepared to make a mould at our expense for your specific needs, or would consider a joint venture. Our CAD / CAM systems are of the latest technology with on-line service to you via e-mail of drawings prior to production. We are able to undertake all tooling work and would welcome an opportunity to quote on any injection moulding tool that you may require.
Our Plastic Enclosures are typical moulded in ABS or High Impact Styrene, but, depending on quantities, we are prepared to mould in Any Material and Any Colour.
The most competitively priced Plastic Enclosures fall under the PCI Range, (Top of the List) – View our range>>

If their are any Queries you might have
If there are any questions, regarding Plastic Enclosures/Boxes or Moulding. Please contact Us.